What to my wondering eyes should appear but sheets and blankets hidden on the top bunk of my second stay in an Amtrak sleeping compartment. Last time I used my coat to stay warm. Tonight I get a sheet and a blanket. To add to my delight, I learned how to raise the top bunk so I quit bonking my head. And to top off my list of worldly pleasures, I've discovered there's a matress that fits on the lower bunk. Things just keep getting better and better.
It's 3:30 in the afternoon and I'm still on the train, currently stopped in Grand Junction, Colorado for fresh air; some folks use these 20 minutes as opportunity to smoke.
I'm also using this 32 hour confinement to feed my yen for modern art. Hard when the train wobbles. But then, maybe that adds to the effect.
Dare I ask...were there linens and a mattress in your first compartment that went undiscovered?