Monday, December 9, 2013

"I Could Have Had It All" if I wasn't so cheap, 12.9.13

There was a terrific diorama in the Smithsonian Museum Of Natural History depicting a privative funeral being conducted by Neanderthals or Australopithicines or some kind of cave dwelling family (I wasn't paying close attention). I mention this not beause it was a touching scene of half naked, pelt wearing savages mourning the loss of their child. I mention it because the corpse was bound up in a convoluted bundle of bent limbs, a twisted and contorted torso, and misshapen body parts protruding in every direction. Kind of like how I felt trying to sleep on the train last night.

I am too cheap to buy a sleeper room so I the long legged vagabond ride coach which is code for "Pleistocene era funeral."

Other than that I love train travel. Between charlie horses and locked knees and failed attempts to claw my way out of this claustrophobic box surrounded by screaming babies, short people blissfully snoring, and teenage girls blaring Adele's, "You Could Have Had It All," I visited the observation deck in the dark at 3 AM to draw and create my own diorama.

Art Institute of Chicago here I come!


  1. Next time you travel cross-country by train, I'll buy you this. Be sure to look at all the pictures.
