Sunday, December 1, 2013

Leisurely Sunday AM...12.1.13

The advantages of using for lodging include cheap rates ($50 night vs. $125-150 in a local motel), staying with friendly New Yorkers eager to coach guests on the subway/bus system, and the privilege of staying with black people. The disadvantage (due mostly to my lateness at making reservations) is having to move 3 times in 2 weeks. Thankfully, the weather is nice, each host is within walking distance, and there are cool coffee places to patronize.

Right now I am between lodgings waiting to hear back from my next host when I should arrive. This means I'm sitting in a coffee shop with my suitcase. I'd planned to attend Tim Keller's church today but did not want to be in a worship service looking like a hitch hiker.

Today is a bitter day, anniversary 7 of Vicki's diagnosis. Every day here I see 101 things that she would have enjoyed (or shuddered at). One thing I hadn't expected in NYC is being invisible. I've drawn in public for years and in Whatcom county would (unintentionally) draw a crowd. Either artists here are a dime a dozen and boring to the locals,  or it is not kosher to get in another person's space. I guess the locals are jaded and overdosed on novelty (have you heard of the naked guitar player in Times Square? Google him if you dare).

On the subways I'm dying to engage my fellow commuters in conversation: ladies just off Madison ave. with Vera Wang bags, black guys with sparkly rings the size of Florida oranges, white women speaking fluent Chinese, Indian families, kids drawing, Hasidic Jews reading books about Kabbalah, and a zillion others all with their own stories but entirely oblivious to this gawking tourist.

I just got a news flash from CNN on my phone about a train derailment in the Bronx. 2 deaths. Once again the problem of evil raises its ugly head. Part of the reason I wanted to visit Tim Keller is to ask him about this vexing issue.

There are 5 more museums I plan to visit....I've saved the best till last.

Yesterday I walked through Central Park, saw my first used book store, counted my 100th hair stylist shop (there are barbers every bock), got inspired to take up painting and sculpting, and had my picture taken with Morgan Freeman.

Will post some goofy pictures next.

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