Thursday, December 5, 2013

Figure This One Out

This isn't exactly related to my trek but my mother was a fan of President Eisenhower.  She saved the New York Herald Tribune on the day he was inaugurated, January 21, 1953.  Somehow that paper made it through moves, moves, and more moves. Of all the papers she could have saved, of all the papers she did not dump, of all the papers she did not wrap fish or line bird cages with, she saved this one.

Why is this significant?

January 21, 1953 is the day Vicki was born.

In the annals of cool coincidences this ranks high. Not sure it means anything but it's fun to witness oddities like this.

By the way, caricaturist Al Hirschfeld was busy working in 1953, too. I'm telling you, he's a legend all over New York and the world.

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