Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Random Thoughts While Luxuriating in a Warm Motel in Freezing Chicago, 12.10.13

Travel is not for the shy. One must be willing to ask dumb questions.

Travel is not for the gregarious friend seeker. It's hard to build relationships in brief, one time encounters.

Next time I go to Florida, bring a bug catching net. There were ornate and exotic critters fluttering around which, sadly, I'll never be able to identify, draw, or appreciate.

Travelling involves much juggling. It's not all sight seeing, ooing, and aahing. I spend a considerable amount of time making arrangements, changing passwords, finding a GPS that talks to you, finding maps, signing up for car rental, train travel, charging phone and tablet, finding food, choosing to patronize or ignore grocery stores, fast food places, Starbucks, kiosks in train stations, walking in the wrong direction and then turning around to go in the right direction, downloading train and bus schedule apps, blogging, photography, uploading blog, managing files, increasing sd size and storage, figuring out which subway is which, which tour bus to take, which train to take, and deciding how much food to pack (wheat thins, cherry tomatoes, cocoanut water, cheese, oranges, apples, carrots). Travel is not all pizazz.  It's survival.

One tour guy said Starbucks is now so popular they even put a Starbucks inside another Starbucks.

After 10 days in NYC I now wish I rich so I could live on Central Park West and 5th ave. My neighbors would be Denzel Washington, Agelina Jolie, Sean Connery, and that guy who played Wolverine.  Nice neighborhood!

I ate an apple fritter for breakfast a couple of days ago. Are those things legal? Four pounds of doughy, fatty, sugary tastiness.

How did Vermeer get so talented?

1 comment:

  1. "Starbucks inside a Starbucks". Ha! That made me laugh out loud.
